La semaine dernière, passant à proximité, il m’est venu l’idée d’aller au bar du Ritz et d’y commander un bloody mary. Un peu comme l’aurait fait Ernest Hemingway lorsqu’il était à Paris. Le bloody mary, également très prisé par Serge Gainsbourg, est une boisson très attractive en soi par la rudesse de ces mille raffinements. Son nom évoque moult légendes liées à la couronne britannique ou aux exploits de la piratesse, d’abord connu sous le nom de « Bucket of Blood » et souvent appelée Marie-salope, Mary Read.Encore de nos jours, ce cocktail souffre de ce nom sulfureux :

De nombreux clients nous ont félicités sur la qualité du Bloody Mary servi au bar de l’hôtel.
Santé Mary !
Gastronomic gem: Bloody Mary
Last week, being close by, I had a sudden urge to pop into the bar of the Ritz and order a Bloody Mary, a bit like Ernest Hemingway used to do when he was in Paris. The Bloody Mary, which was also one of Serge Gainsbourg’s favourite tipples, is a very appealing drink in itself due to the coarseness of its elegance. Its name evokes the many legends associated with the British crown or perhaps the exploits of the female pirate Mary Read, also known as ‘Bucket of Blood’. Even today, this cocktail suffers from its unusual name:
The Bloody Mary is a cocktail made with vodka, tomato juice, spices and lemon juice. Having said that there are lots of other variations in which vodka is replaced by other alcohols. To name a few, from memory, there is the Bloody Fairy (Absinth), Bloody Geisha (Sake), Bloody Matador (Tequila), Brown Mary (Whiskey), Bloody Pirate (Rum), Bloody Scotsman (Scotch) and Bloody Maureen (Guinness). However, I prefer to give you the ‘true’ recipe of the genuine Bloody Mary so here it is: a splash of Tabasco, 3/10 of Vodka, 6/10 of tomato juice, a splash of Worcestershire sauce, 1/10 lemon juice, a pinch of salt + a stick of celery, a slice of lemon and a few ice cubes. In terms of cocktails just like in many other fields, given that the simplest is often the most difficult, it is extremely hard to find a well prepared Bloody Mary. Nowadays the majority of barmen simply mix vodka and tomato juice which creates a vulgar Gazpacho with alcohol. But the real fans of Bloody Mary know this and are careful in their choice of establishment.
While on the subject I would like to reassure you that a great many guests have congratulated us on the quality of the Bloody Mary served at the hotel bar.
Cheers Mary!
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